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Għana, Malta’s quintessential music tradition, has passed down orally from one generation to the next for centuries. The UNESCO inscription in 2021 recognised Għana as a rhymed expression in Maltese, both a cappella and with Għana guitar music. Today, the authentic spirit of Għana can be experienced most vividly at a Serata Għana Spirtu Pront.

Fredu Spiteri il-Lavarist, also known as ir-Reverist, was an għannej, daqqaq, makkjettist and a comic actor who reached national acclaim. His cheerful character and quick witted spirit brought joy to all. The stage had no fixed space for him: he performed while working, during regular visits to elderly homes and hospitals, spontaneous Għana street performances, Serati ta’ Varjetà with il-Muskettieri, and at the local feasts, particularly Rabat’s Carnival celebrations in Gozo. His performances, both formal and informal, remain entrenched in the social memory of locals.

Fredu mhux bniedem komuni
la tgħidux li rrid ngħallih
għax in-nies fil-Buskett jiġu
kważi kollha mħabba fih.

Forsi hawn min qiegħed jgħidli
bi Fredu kemm sa tiftaħar
għax Fredu naf x’kien isarraf
jien għadira, Fredu baħar.

Hawn tispiċċa din l-istorja,
jew disgrazzja ‘nkella Fatt.
Jekk jinsewk in-nies tad-dinja
lilek jien ma ninsik qatt.

Excerpts from a Fatt: ‘Id-Disgrazzja ta’ Fredu l-Għawdxi’ – Mikiel Abela ‘il-Bambinu’, 1988.

by George Mario Attard

Photo Credits: George Mercieca
Sound Clips: “It-tfajla tal-Belt”, “L-arka ta’ Noe”, “Id-dawra m’Għawdex”  Credit: Amante Mercieca

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Musical Bench Location Għana and Fredu Spiteri il-Lavarist Musical Bench Location

Villa Rundle Gardens, Triq Ninu Cremona, Victoria, Malta
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